Sign Language

Sign language is a visual language that makes use of movements of the hands and arms, signs, facial expressions and posture in order to communicate. The language is mainly used by people with hearing impairments. But sign language can also be used to communicate with people who have difficulty with spoken language.

The video below features a sign translation by a sign language interpreter. This sign language interpreter translates the spoken text into a sign translation in a second video next to the source video. This way the video and its message can be followed simultaneously.

Provide my video with a sign translation

Why are subtitles not sufficient?

For people who consider sign language their mother language, reading a text can be challenging. They might be able to follow a language other than their mother language, but one only fully understand information when that information is offered in one’s own language.

In addition, the tone or use of one’s voice is also of essential importance in the meaning of the things being said. Another person can tell from the sound of your voice whether you are angry, happy or sad. In written text that can be difficult. Sign language not only translates a text into signs, but also reflects the intonation in the use of the interpreter’s mimicry and posture.

How to create a sign translation?

In order to create a sign translation, you need someone who is familiar with sign language. This can either be a deaf person with sign language as a mother language, or a sign language interpreter. The sign language interpreter translates the message of a video and what is said into signs. This translation is recorded on video that can be edited into your own video. This can be done by using picture-in-picture, or PiP, or by placing the second video next to the source video.

Choosing a language

Sign language is not international. Every country has its own sign language and even within countries variations or dialects occur. In addition, there is a difference in sign language for people with sign language as their mother language and sign language for people who can speak or have been able to speak. Therefore two types of sign language can be distinguished in the Netherlands.

  • NmG or Nederlands ondersteund met gebaren: Dutch supported with signs. In this type of sign language signs are used to support the spoken Dutch language and Dutch grammar is maintained.
  • NGT or Nederlandse Gebarentaal: Dutch sign language. This is the sign language that people who are born deaf learn from childhood. The grammar of NGT differs from the Dutch language and it communicates much more in concepts.

Sign translations by Scribit.Pro

Scribit.Pro chooses to display sign translations alongside the source video. This makes the sign translation more visible and at the same time the original video can still be followed properly.

We work together with a number of (deaf) sign language interpreters with whom we film sign translations in front of a green screen. The sign translation video is processed into a second video file in .mp4 format. This file can be offered as an extra option, when displayed in the Scribit.Pro videoplayer. It can be activated by clicking the ‘sign language’ button. This way your video meets the AAA level of the WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

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