Frequently asked questions

An overview of the most frequently asked questions

Can I add subtitles/audio description to the video myself?

The Scribit.Pro software is designed specifically to add audio description and subtitles to your video yourself. However, if you find this difficult, our PRO's can do it for you.

Do people with a visual impairment use special software, which make them see things that others do not?

People with a visual impairment often use special software that can read aloud written texts. By making your video accessible, this is no longer necessary, and they can enjoy your video just like everyone else.

How can I contact you to request support or ask questions?

You can send us an e-mail with your question or request via We strive to reply to your e-mail within 1 (business) day.

Do people with a visual or hearing impairment see/hear a different video than other viewers?

Everyone who views your video will be watching the same video. The accessible player allows you to add certain aids to your video. Via subtitles or audio description, the images can then be experienced by everyone.

Why should I take out a subscription?

If you want to make videos accessible on a regular basis, we recommend that you take out a subscription. This gives you more options that make it even easier to work with Scribit.Pro.

Frequently asked questions about audio description

What is audio description?

Audio description is a technique for making movies, videos, and television programs accessible to people with a visual impairment. When nobody is speaking, a voice describes what is happening on screen.

What is audio description used for?

Audio description is used to translate visual information into spoken language, so that people with a visual impairment know what is happening in the video. However, other people can benefit from audio description to better understand what is going on in a video, too, as extra information is provided about facial expressions, emotions and the time or chronology of the story.

Where can I learn how to create audio descriptions?

Our online academy includes different tutorials to help you create audio descriptions. We also offer an online training courses during which we give you extra tips and help you improve your skills under the guidance of our PRO's.

Are there any rules for adding audio description?

We use standard rules that are discussed in the tutorials in our online academy, as well as in the manual that is available online.

Should I include text that is visible in the image in the audio description?

If you have sufficient space to describe the text that is shown, that is definitely recommended. It is visual information, after all. If you also need to describe other visual information, consider which information is most important to be able to follow the story properly.

Why are some words pronounced in such a strange way by the synthetic voice?

Since the audio description is read out loud by a computer voice, differences in intonation or emphasis may occur. It often helps the pronunciation when you spell the word differently (phonetically, for example). However, irregular pronunciation cannot always be prevented.

Where can I switch between a male and female voice?

When you upload a new video via the Dashboard, you are given the option to select a male or a female voice. After that, switching is no longer possible. This is because there is a difference in pronunciation between the male and female voice. If you would switch voices along the way, all ’”AD” fields would have to be timed all over. Consequently, we only offer the choice of voices at the start of the process.

Do I need a microphone to record the audio description?

No, you do not need a microphone. The audio description uses a computer voice. Your audio description is entered into the editor as written text and then read by the computer.

What can I do if I can't describe everything in the available space?

You cannot make the voice speak faster, so you will need to be creative in your description. It often works to make the sentence a little shorter. If it really does not fit, it is better to leave out the description than, for example, to use only half a (staccato) sentence (like ‘man walks’).

I can't hear the audio description properly. How do I fix this?

If you are using the YouTube widget, you can turn down the sound of the video, so that you can hear the audio description better. It is also possible to adjust this for each AD field in the editor by using the Mute button.

My MP3 file does not produce sound. Now what?

The MP3 file you downloaded contains the audio description, not the audio of the video. Therefore, if your video does not immediately begin with audio description, it may seem like the MP3 file does not produce sound. Jump to the moment in the video where the first audio description field has been inserted. You should be hearing sound now.

Frequently asked questions about captions

My video already has subtitles. Does this mean I cannot use Scribit.Pro?

If your video already has subtitles, you can use Scribit.Pro to generate an audio description or text alternative. However, the text alternative will only contain the audio description and not the subtitles. This is because the subtitles are part of the original video and inaccessible to us. If you do want the subtitles to be visible in the text alternative, we can help you upload the existing subtitles to your video.

Should an audio description also be included in the subtitles?

You do not need to include the audio description in your subtitles. After all, audio description describes images that are already visible to someone with a hearing impairment.

Can I hyphenate words in subtitles if they do not fit on one line?

We strongly advise against this, as it reduces the readability of the subtitles. Long compound words are an exception.

Can I use abbreviations in subtitles?

We strongly advise against this, as it reduces the readability of the subtitles.

Where can I learn how to create subtitles?

Our online academy includes different tutorials to help you create subtitles. We also offer online training courses during which we give you extra tips and help you improve your skills under the guidance of our PRO's.

Should I include text that is visible in the image in the subtitles?

Since Scribit.Pro subtitles do not translate dialogue, but only convert spoken words into text, it is not necessary to include text that is visible in the image. After all, people with a hearing impairment can themselves read this text.

What should I do if the dialogue contains more text than fits in the subtitles?

You will need to change the sentence while making sure that the subtitle still matches the spoken word as much as possible. For example, you could leave out certain adjectives if that does not change the essence of what is said.

How are subtitles for people with a hearing impairment different?

When you are creating subtitles for people with a hearing impairment, you do not just include the dialogue, but also other important sound information, such as ambient sounds that are relevant to the story, the names of speakers, background music that enhances the atmosphere, or sounds that are audible off-screen.

Frequently asked questions about your subscription

How do I create an account?

Just using your first and last name, and an e-mail address, you can already create a free log-in option on our log-in page. Choose a password of your liking and get to work right away once the log-in option has been activated. If you wish to take out a subscription as well, please visit our store to activate one. An account will be automatically created for you.

How do I terminate my account?

If you would like to terminate your account, please send us an e-mail. We will then process the termination request and send you confirmation by e-mail as soon as your account has been terminated.

How do I change my password?

You can change your password at any time by visiting your account profile. The password must be at least 12 characters long. Use upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and characters such as ! $ % ^ & ) to make it stronger. To guarantee the security of our platform, you must use a strong password.

What if I forgot my password?

You can easily change your password via the 'forgot password' option.

How can I change my subscription?

You can customize your subscription on the ‘My profile’ page. On this page, you can view your current subscription and change it directly if you wish. If this affects the monthly/annual fee you are paying, this will immediately be taken care of, too.

How are you dealing with my privacy?

We have an extensive privacy policy, which can be consulted on our website.

What browsers are supported by does support Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox, and does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge. It works best with Google Chrome.

Are my files safe with you?

The platform is managed by an ISO27001-certified party. We also use secure channels and file encryption. In other words, your files are certainly safe with us. You can read more about this in our Terms and Conditions.

Can I submit a video in any other way than via YouTube?

It is possible to submit your original video as MP4.

Can I submit a video in any other way than via YouTube?

It is possible to submit your original video as MP4.

What about the copyright on my video?

Without permission from the creator, an original work may not be modified. Adding subtitles or audio description is considered a modification. When you are using Scribit.Pro, you are automatically giving us permission to modify your work in this way.

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